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Inspirational Posters, Anyone?

I LOVE MEANINGFUL QUOTES. There are so many awesome quotes that I wish I could carry with me at all times, or have someone pop out of nowhere and say them to me. I have had the Word Swag app for a while, but it never occurred to me to use it in the classroom. What I did was go onto Pinterest (can I say enough about Pinterest...) and look up some great quotes. Then, I picked a background and a font that I liked and voila! How can we use this? 
- Posting quotes for a quick write prompt/starting point. Making them into art helps it stick and makes it more memorable as well.
- Beginning a unit or novel with a quote that applies to the themes/ messages. 
- Simply posting them on Edmodo or Google Classroom to give them something to think about. 
- Blow them up as a picture and post them! (Note: I haven't tried this yet, but it looks like the quality is not diminished when making it into a large picture)

~ Caitlin


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Hello there, fellow teachers! My name is Caitlin, and I am a teacher in Portland, OR. I am currently teaching at a private school, teaching 6-8 language arts and a 6th grade homeroom and religion. I am going into my 10th (!!) year of teaching, and I am still incredibly passionate about what I do! Outside of school, I have an awesomely patient husband, an incredibly active toddler, and a crazy cat and dog. Life is busy! I am always, always looking for new and exciting ways to reach my students. There are many changes going on in my professional life with new literature textbooks, juggling a toddler and the grading load, and revitalizing curriculum; even after 10 years, I am open to new things. So that's the focus! Help others, share ideas, and hopefully make some great connections along the way! ~ Caitlin