A little background on me: I work in a school whose middle school is BYOT, or Bring Your Own Tablet. Families know it is coming, and they make necessary arrangements to ensure it's ready to go once they are in middle school. I use an iPad throughout the day, but I have a handful of students who have Samsung tablets, so I make sure pretty much everything I use is compatible with both. I am (quite obviously) a language arts teacher who is constantly learning about new ways to incorporate tech into the classroom, while still not losing the good ole' feeling of holding a book. SO. With all that being said, here are the apps I use the most. I will probably do more in-depth posts about a few of them, but here is the general list and the reasons I lurve them: Lit Charts . Yes, I have read the books a million times. Yes, I know what happens. But, when you are teaching, quite literally, FIVE books at one time, you need a little help. This one comes in...
Last summer, I had a baby. So, my summer consisted of hanging out with my little love and coming to terms with leaving him to go back to work in November. Very little was accomplished school-wise other than trying to figure out this new juggling act. THIS summer, though, my kiddo has been in daycare part time (in order to hold our spot/ moving classrooms/ transitions/ he loves his daycare!), so I have had some time to do some things that will allow me *more* time with him once the school year starts, so yay for that! I jumped into some books, read some new things, read some old things , did everything I possibly could with my Erin Condren teacher planner before school, and here I am, two weeks to go before inservice week. What have I been reading? I know you're dying to know... The First Days of School by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong I have already sung the praises of their classroom management book (the pictures! so many pictures!), so I decided to h...